2 Disability Support

Contact Disability Support to register with the service and discuss any adjustments or support that you may need during your studies and exams/assessments. You can visit Disability Support prior to starting your course in order to be familiar with the location and discuss the support that you may need during your studies.

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3 What is university life really like?

The prospect of university life may be exciting, but also daunting, especially if you have not lived away from home before. It’s difficult to imagine what university life will be like until you get there and we hope the Autism&Uni Toolkit will help you prepare the best you can. There are many things to consider and it is totally natural to feel apprehensive.

So what is university life really like?

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4 Telling people at university about your autism

Everyone experiences their autism differently and at Durham University we make no assumptions about how your diagnosis impacts on you. You may find that your autism has little impact on day to day life other than putting into practice some learnt strategies to manage certain situations. For others, daily challenges may be experienced.

Whether you tell others about your autism is a personal decision. Telling people about your autism at university is also known as ‘disclosure’ or ‘declaring a disability’. More information about what this means and why it might be important to you is available in this article.

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